Waymo's 11.4m kilometers of robotaxi activity shows it's pretty bloody safe

Waymo has published crash data from the day it started robo taxi services until the end of October 2023, encompassing over 11.4 million kilometres of driving and 700,000 customer trips, mostly in Phoenix and San Francisco. During that time there was an 85% reduction in crashes "involving any injury, from minor to severe and fatal cases" and a 57% reduction in "police-reported crash rates" (no injury but police notified). There's some issues with the data they're comparing against that Waymo acknowledges, but overall, Waymo's progress seems quite positive. Unlike Tesla's YOLO approach, Waymo's method of precise mapping and a suite of high resolution sensors, plus higher levels of transparency (unlike weaker competitors embarrassed to share how far behind they are) instills way more confidence to me that they'll achieve something useful. Waymo's blog post has more info if you're interested.

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