The Daylight DC-1 is an e-ink style tablet that'll do 60-120fps

Heads up for the e-ink tablet nerds - the Daylight DC-1 will tickle your fancy. The pitch is essentially a reMarkable, but with 60-120fps support. That's right, the legibility and full daylight capability of e-ink, but the response time of an LCD. It's unclear what the display technology is exactly (some form of LCD?), but it's not e-ink and Daylight Computer claims to have come up with it themselves. Here's a demo. I haven't seen any impartial review videos yet, so it could be a dog, but first impressions are good I reckon and I'd like to se more. Over on Hacker News the founder of the company said "we also gonna come out with a bootloader unlock tool so you can customize it to your hearts content, goal is to be hacker/DIY friendly". The first batch will start shipping July 4th, so we should get some real user reviews not long after. They aren't shipping to Australia, but if you're super keen you can part with US$729 and get a mate in the US or EU to forward it to ya.

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