SolarWinds CISO charged by SEC for covering up infamous SUNBURST cyberattack

Remember in 2020 when SolarWinds fucked up so badly that it led to a full on breach of the US federal government's internal communications by Russian state sponsored hackers? You know it was bad when your mistakes get their own Wikipedia article. Well the CISO of SolarWinds at the time has been charged by the US SEC for "fraud and internal control failures relating to allegedly known cybersecurity risks and vulnerabilities", who allege "from at least its October 2018 initial public offering through at least its December 2020 announcement that it was the target of a massive, nearly two-year long cyberattack, dubbed 'SUNBURST,' SolarWinds and Brown defrauded investors by overstating SolarWinds' cybersecurity practices and understating or failing to disclose known risks". Note that it's not the attack itself the CISO is in trouble for, but the covering up and failure to handle it properly that the SEC has a beef with.

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