SBF takes the stand in criminal trial, makes fool out of himself

I haven't been following the court case involved Sam Bankman-Fried and FTX very closely as it's relatively uninteresting finance nonsense, but it is coming to a close and SBF has taken the stand. The Verge's opening sentence of their summary of SBF's testimony sums it up nicely - "Sam Bankman-Fried is so fucked". His defense seems to center around blaming others, including his own lawyers, which lead the judge to clear out the jury to conduct "an odd evidentiary hearing to figure out exactly what Bankman-Fried wants to tell the jury — and how much of it going to be admissible". After reading the rest of the article, all I have to say is, yep, SBF got his arse handed to him by the government's lawyers and old mate is gonna rot in jail once the jury cop a load of this annoyingly aloof arsehat.

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