OAIC sues Medibank over massive data breach & MediSecure insolvent due to data breach

Straight from the OAIC's press release - "the Australian Information Commissioner has filed civil penalty proceedings in the Federal Court against Medibank Private Limited in relation to its October 2022 data breach". They allege "Medibank failed to take reasonable steps to protect personal information it held given its size, resources, the nature and volume of the sensitive and personal information it handled, and the risk of serious harm for an individual in the case of a breach". Wake me up when the people that made the decisions to be so pissweak at handling this most sensitive of data end up with a criminal record. Meanwhile, MediSecure, the electronic prescription platform that got popped recently, is now insolvent. We still don't know exactly how MediSecure was compromised, do we? Maybe I've missed that nugget of news.

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