New LPCAMM2 form factor makes RAM thin & user replaceable

iFixIt got its hands on some LPCAMM2 memory. What the fuck is LPCAMM2 memory? It's a new user-replaceable RAM form-factor that's designed to go into thin laptops where an SO-DIMM slot is just too fat to fit (I know that feeling), as an alternative to soldering the RAM on the mainboard. The article explains that LPDDR RAM kinda needs to be soldered on because "the lower voltage makes signal integrity between the memory and processor challenging, requiring tighter tolerances and shorter trace distances — that is, the farther the signal has to travel, the more voltage you need for a reliable signal", which is at odds with lower power consumption. Being non-upgradeable bit is just a bonus for the OEM. It's still unknown of LPCAMM2 will take off, but I can see someone like Framework getting in on it sooner rather than later.

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