India landed a robot near the Moon's south pole to look for ice

Congratulations to the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), who got the Chandrayaan 3 mission successfully landed near the lunar south pole - the first to ever do it and only the fourth country to make a successful moon landing (USA, Russia & China the others). Soon, "Chandrayaan 3's Vikram lander will extend a ramp to deploy a small rover named Pragyan" that will "take multiple measurements to support research into the composition of the lunar surface, the presence of water ice in the lunar soil, the history of lunar impacts, and the evolution of the Moon's atmosphere". The entire mission will last for around 12 days, as that's how much sunlight there is at the landing site. Russia's Luna 25 mission tried to do similar on the weekend but failed "during a burn of the vehicle's propulsion system to move the spacecraft into a pre-landing orbit" that "sent the vehicle crashing into the lunar surface".

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