COBOL runs the banking system & the people skilled in it are retiring

When I used to work for a company that handled a lot of financial transactions (hello Dan!), I was asked multiple times if I wanted to learn IBM's mainframe OS. Not because I was good at it or anything, but simply because the people running the beasts that keep the dollars moving keep retiring and the banks need new blood in the system. I kinda regret not taking up that offer - it would have earned me a shitload more cash than this stupid newsletter! Anyway, that anecdote fell out of my brain because of an article explaining how important the 70 year old COBOL programming language is to the world's money systems despite the shrinking amount of people skilled in it. Learn it and you have a secure, high paying job. COBOL is just too hard to replace as it's perfect for the task of handling gazillions of transactions and the applications out there are so battle hardened that to replace them now is a fool's errand.

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